But lets roll back to before the team ever hits the field. There are behind the scene preparations that must be taken care of in order to effectively handle the field and the opponent. No team with out preparation and anticipation of what could go wrong during the game sits by idly or figures they will just go off instinct. Each player understand their position and practices to perfect their craft. No team, goes on the field without going over plays to win and counter the opponent. No team goes on the field without coaches and assistants that line the sideline and fill them with encouragement, notes and plans in order to get the W in the win column. And when everyone plays their part and a win happens it feels great. The same principles, preparation and anticipation should go on within our marriages.
I know, marriage is not a game. However, principles apply, game plans need to be followed, and un-sportsman like conduct or crossing boundaries bring penalties or delay of progress for the marriage as a whole. The players must remember that it's not about individual accomplishments but about the team overall. The beauty of having the team attitude is that even though your intentions and actions are for the team, perks of being with the best and playing your best allow you to shine through and everyone benefits. The same holds true within marriage.
Times will come when attitudes, beliefs, and opposition will come on the field against your marriage. When these opponents show up, whether or not you and your wife are ready and in position to work as a team will determine the outcome. If team efforts are at the forefront of the relationship, everyone benefits. In order for teams to be great they play together, encourage each other, correct faults, and grow with each passing game test. Even after occasional mishaps, a team must get geared up to go back into the next game better than before. We as couples should always remember the importance of preparing (reading), interceding (praying for) and living by principles (stay away from fouls) in order to advance our married life for good field position, forward progress, and Winning. Remember, you may not always agree but for the good of the team (marriage) we put aside "me" efforts and focus on "we" efforts. Enjoy your spouse because you Married Them 4 Life.
T & T